The 37th sailing of the Millimeter National Championship
The Millies had the right guy Winning the championship. Aaron Lee, he won by a nice margin, but he did more than that. He wrote the regatta instructions, did the pre regatta measuring, planned the very successful dinner and selected and purchased the trophies.
Hats off to Aaron.
All the races were windward-leeward on two warm days with a north westerly breeze. There were shifts, but not as big as we are accustomed to in our race area. In our ten race regatta, six on day one and four on day two. We had four boats, Aaron, (4), Chris, (3), Pax, (2) and Liam (1) winning a race, never happened before.
It seemed the Oakland shore was the best course to the weather mark. At some point one had to tack to the weather mark on the Alameda shore. Seven time Nationals winner Randy Smith came on strong on day two. He was always in the hunt. Chris and Pax tied for second, but those three wins broke the tie and Chris was second, Pax third. Bob Scholl was the big winner in the Silver fleet, followed by Paul Turner. Bill Fruchterman was next, followed by new sailors to the fleet, Hugo Knef and Pete Veasey.
The class appreciated John Hansen, who ran a superb regatta. We thank the Encinal Yacht Club for the use of the facilities.
For the Millie sailors it was a fantastic weekend.